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Englishrussia; Where Gold comes from..

Englishrussia tells more about gold mining in Akmola, Kazahkstan..

A Kazakh Cat Dump Truck..

Kazakhstan has many known gold deposits, representing a variety of geological environments. The country has gold reserves reported at over 1 500 t of gold with average ore grades of over 6g/t. At least 60% of these reserves are hosted in lode gold deposits, 38% hosted in polymetallic deposits and the remainder in placer deposits. Currently, most gold is derived as a co product from polymetallic mines. An emphasis is being placed on developing the primary lode gold deposits. It is estimated that at only 40% of Kazakhstan’s gold reserves is economically exploitable using current extraction technology (standard gravity and flotation techniques). Kazakhstan aims at increasing gold production to over 50t per year, but in order to achieve this the industry would require an estimated $1bn. This would ensure the latest technology (e.g. heap leaching) is introduced to the gold sector.

A total of 71 companies are operating in the sector: 48 local, 18 foreign and five joint ventures. These companies have invested about $1bn over the past decade (82% in extraction).

Let's Learn more about the Gold industry in Kazakhstan and how this small region of this country keeps Kazakhstan one of the unique gold producers in the world...

For more about the mining and extraction click the plant picture! for the Production and Smelting hit the second pic!!

Part on Mining and Extraction  Here!!
Part on Refining and Smelting Here!!
From: englishrussia

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