Wow! with so many posts now around the site I decided to create a dedicated category page so that you can navigate around the site easier. these are some of the few main categories I usually post, the girls around here will direct you to specific topic and posts, so to start just click on the girls to find a specific entry you want to read enjoy!
Public High Schools and Public School Students |
State College and State College Students |
Private Schools and students |
Private colleges & Private college Students |
anime and otaku culture here and abroad
.jpg) |
games and gadgets |
Posts about and around Bacolod |
Anything on Japan Pop Culture
Bacolod Jeepney
The Bacolod Conscript
Technology, Industry, Automotive, and More |
Bacolod City Lifestyle, illongo lifestyle and more |
Puuchi and Blurbs and freedom of speech.. |
Airsoft and Military Cosplay |
About Comrade Mijur |
to return to the main page, click the main banner above..
jela-tan (illongo mio akiyama), goldie-tan (illongo kagami), bethel-tan(illongo rin) is copyright of kakifly, oden-ya and kyoto animation inc. and studio deen and kadokawa shoten, JP
anzel-tan, lyn-tan, pia-tan(illongo versions) are copyright of SE studios(re angel), TH and gamebridge inc.(DORC), CN