What is it like when studying for a tertiary degree in Japan?? well danny took us to a small college in tokyo
Danny takes us to Digital Hollywood; a university which focuses on teaching courses to folks who want to
learn about multimedia together with anime, game and movie production. | |
well this small college is located right inside the akihabara district which specializes mostly in Information technology mostly in web design, consumer generated media, and internet technology.
Unlike our tertiary system japanese colleges have more stringent academic basis in the secondary academics unlike us, some high school students study hard for college entrance exams among all prominent universities and institutions, that's why you hear and read from many sources that after high schoolers in japan can work there after in a permanent job.
well a degree in Japan is a big thing for a young bachelor or a girl that's why most high school students in their senior years in high school do their best to enter and get a college course.
Most college students live in dorms and boarding houses similar to ours but most have more comfortable situations than our staple boarding residences. most universities and colleges in japan does not require uniforms and most students go to class in the clothes of their choice. most of the popular courses especially in full academic colleges are engineering, economics to name a few.
you can read more of danny post
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