
Valentines in Japan

its very cute when you can see this may happen to you.. (nami guru matabu ni sa imu no??)
Valentines Day (Feb 14..)

In Japan, its very usual for a woman to give chocolates to a man during valentines day, its a tradition carried out since the 1930's according to an article about this it a historical custom; In Japan, in 1936, Morozoff Ltd. introduced for the first time the holiday in 1936, when it run an advertisement directed to foreigners. Later in 1953 it started promoting the giving of heart-shaped chocolates. Other Japanese confectionery companies followed suit later. In 1958 the Isetandepartment store ran a "Valentine sale". Further campaigns during the 1960s popularized the custom. The custom that only women give chocolates to men appears to have originated from the typo of a chocolate company executive in the initial campaigns. In particular, office ladies give chocolate to their co-workers. Unlike western countries, gifts such as greeting cards, candies, flowers, or dinner dates are uncommon, and most of the activity about the gifts is about giving the right amount of chocolate to each person. Japanese chocolate companies make half their annual sales during this time of the year. Many women feel obliged to give chocolates to all male co-workers, except when the 14th falls on a Sunday, a holiday. This is known as giri-choko (義理チョコ), from giri ("obligation") and choko, ("chocolate"), with unpopular co-workers receiving only "ultra-obligatory" chō-giri choko cheap chocolate. This contrasts with honmei-choko (本命チョコ, Favorite chocolate); chocolate given to a loved one. Friends, especially girls, may exchange chocolate referred to as tomo-choko (友チョコ); from tomo meaning "friend". 

nee-san finding  boxes of chocolates before valentines

more Japanese girls and women buying chocolates before Feb. 14...

I still don't know if its obligatory for a girl to give chocolates in Japan during valentines day not unless you are really on a serious relationship, or your both good friends with each other, but mostly its worth 

Danny Choo recieving chocolates from Ayumi, a very popular AV idol in Japan.

Next is White Day... (March 14)

On White Day, it’s time for the men to reciprocate. They’re supposed to give presents to all the women who gave them Valentine’s Day chocolates. Of course, how can a guy be expected to remember something like that...

time for boys to return the favor...

during White Day, the converse happens: males who received a honmei-choco (本命チョコ?, "chocolate of love") or giri-choco (義理チョコ?, "courtesy chocolate") on Valentine's Day are expected to return the favor by giving gifts, usually more expensive. Traditionally, popular White Day gifts are cookies, jewellery, white chocolate, white lingerie and marshmallows. Sometimes the term sanbai gaeshi (三倍返し?, literally, "thrice the return") is used to describe the generally recited rule that the return gift should be two to three times the cost of the Valentine's gift.

There are many theories about the origins of White Day, but according to one, the holiday began in 1965, when a marshmallow maker started marketing to men that they should pay back the women who gave them chocolate and other gifts with marshmallows. Originally it was called Marshmallow Day, and later it was changed to White Day.

Soon, the chocolate companies started realizing that they could capitalize as well on this day, and began marketing white chocolate. Now, Japanese men give marshmallows, white and non-white chocolate, as well as other edible and non-edible gifts, such as jewellery or objects of sentimental value, to the women who were kind enough to think of them and give them chocolate on Valentine’s Day a month prior.

Well I hope we can have the same here in Bacolod, but I have known some otaku friends who observe this custom, but I won't tell them so just think of it, were also bitten by the Japanese culture bug now! :D

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