
queen blade season 2 now airing!

The pro duc tion of a Queen’s Blade anime builds on the fighting-fanservice genre cham pioned by titles such as Ikkit ousen and Tejou Tenge and takes it to the most logical next step. The series, like the “visual com bat books” pre ced ing it, is a cyn ical mar ket ing play, a mul ti fa ceted brothel cater ing to every fet ish and devi ance able to be safely sold to lonely, lewd or las ci vi ous males. Dis card ing the com par at ively coy allu sions to naugh ti ness used in other series, Queen’s Blade takes every oppor tun ity to dis robe it’s bevy of dis pro por tion ately curved females with fre quent trips to hot springs, dunkings in hot oil or scat ter ing any other liquid liberally on their persons. -

note that queen blade is kind of an ecchi show and mainly I recommend this to our bacolod otakus who really like to watch this genre.

to see more of this in the international otaku scene; check this posts:

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